Her head stretches above buildings and one's eyes capture her spire up above the Paris skyline easily ~
Your thoughts can easily be disrupted of thought once she is spotted.
In fact, the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower, I was drawn to her as hypnotized. I must go to you, I must go to you......
Just the thought of Paris draws my heart to a longing to board a plane and get there, even if it is only for a week-end! Unfortunately, my travel is not that easy and I must make the most of my time. But it doesn't mean that I don't have that longing!
Someone said today that I am always posting pictures of the Eiffel Tower and perhaps I was living there in Paris. The truth is that I could not get enough of the sight of her!
Every angle of this beauty is captivating ~ the arches, the design the lacing of her edges is exquisite!
I am captivated by her beauty ~ I must say though that she is in all her splendor, lit up in the evening ~ She is brilliantly breath taking!! ~ Ahhh, Oui! Ces't Si Bon ~